Emulation on Parallels

Emulation on Parallels Desktop 17

Recently Parallels Desktop released version 17, which will utilize Rosetta2 for emulating x86_64.

I had to try it and I usually use Fedora Silverblue as my main OS, along side macOS. How ever, as I found out by trying and testing; only Debian-based Linux distros was supported. Parallels Desktop claims that they will also support Fedora, Red Hat and more later, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

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Getting Started With Docker Swarm

Getting started with docker swarm

Getting started with Docker Swarm involves setting up a cluster of Docker hosts to manage containerized applications. Docker Swarm is a native clustering and orchestration solution for Docker. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

1. Install Docker

If you haven’t already, install Docker on all the machines you want to include in your Swarm cluster. You can follow the official Docker installation guides for your specific operating system.

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Python Env 2023

2023 Python Development Setup (for a newbie)

I’ve recently started creating boilerplates for easily getting started with projects.

Python is a language is always wanted to learn and become good at, but never really had the time to sit down and learn fully. There were always something else that need to be learned first, so it just keep going down the list of my-learn-list.

I’ve scratch the surface of setting up a developement enviroment, with Podman and Docker. An example of setting up an enviroment for Flask in docker with miniconda, would require 3 files, a docker-compose.yaml, Dockerfile.db and Dockerfile.conda:

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The Importance of NTP for Server Synchronization

The Importance of NTP for Server Synchronization

In the realm of server administration, accurate timekeeping is of paramount importance. Network Time Protocol (NTP) serves as the cornerstone of time synchronization for servers and networked systems. In this article, we will delve into the significance of NTP and why it is crucial to implement it in server environments. Additionally, I will provide you with a step-by-step Ansible playbook guide to easily install and enable NTP on both Debian and RedHat hosts.

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Updating Fedora Silverblue with Ansible Playbook

I really love using Fedora Silverblue, which is an immutable Linux OS.

In the mist of what has happend lately with all the Red Hat drama and Fedora talkings about integrating telemetry into Fedora Workstation, which might also trickle down to the rest of the Fedora family, I still love the OS.

I hope that the Fedora team will pull back on the telemetry suggestion set in motion, but if they choose to go ahead, I might switch to NixOS or Debian 12, with Podman and Distrobox.

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This blog does not have a purpose of any sorts, but I will be posting randomly to this.

Sometimes it will be guides and sometimes it will be stories.

Hopefully it will be helpful and useful.

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